Most important nutrients to eat during breakfast
As we all know, a healthy breakfast can help fuel your day, keep you awake and ready to tackle the day’s tasks.
Though with today’s constantly busy lifestyle, sitting down to a proper breakfast could be easier said than done. Whether we simply don’t have enough time, are too tired to bother or want to spend a few extra minutes lounging around in bed, people nowadays are more likely to rush out the door with an empty stomach, just a cup of coffee or a simple sweet treat to temporarily calm their grumbling tummies. The problem is that those doughnuts and sugary breads won’t do much in giving you long lasting energy to last till lunch, keep you satiated or even help maintain your waistline.
That’s why we’re here to give you a head’s up on what essential nutrients should make up your breakfast plate and some super easy meal ideas to help fit them in your busy morning schedules:
1. Protein
A high protein serves to help you with your satiety levels and avoid snacking till lunch time – especially a meat-and-egg type breakfast as they help lower levels of the hormone that stimulates no hunger: ghrelin. Though it might seem that “high protein” breakfasts are those that are more time-consuming to prepare, that’s not the case. High protein breakfasts (aside from meat dishes) include egg dishes prepared in any manner, cottage cheese, Greek yoghurt or even simple smoothies that include whey protein or milk (either cow’s or non-dairy).
2. Fiber-Rich Carbohydrates
Even though it’s good to have some form of carbohydrate in our breakfast to give us energy, the most important one that we need to make sure that we get enough of is fiber. Eating fiber early in the day can help curb the spiking and falling of your blood glucose levels – a factor that causes you to go hungry again after you eat. Additionally, fiber also helps to benefit your bowel movements and colon. Fiber can easily be found in whole grain foods, such as whole grain bread and muffins and fruits and vegetables or you can easily grab an apple or orange for a quick bite in the morning for that additional fiber.
3. Healthy Fats
Of course, we’re not talking about fats from fried snacks or processed meats, healthy fats are essential for our bodies such as monounsaturated fats and omega-3 fats. They can help decrease risk of heart disease, decrease inflammation and even help improve mood. Eating healthy fats can be as easy as adding chia seeds to your breakfast juice, spreading some avocado on your toast or even eating boiled eggs in the morning (omega-3 is found in egg yolks).