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Chia-Goji Mandarin Jelly


1)Konyaku Powder


3)Fresh Oranges

4)Fresh Limes

5)Organic Yacon Syrup

6)Raw Unpasteurised Honey

7)Organic Chia Seeds

8)Organic Goji Berries



1) Boil 1 L water

2) Gradually pour 10g Konyaku Powder into pot of boiling (Stir continuously)

3) Squeeze 4 limes and add it to the pot

4) IN a Small bowl, mix 1 Tbsp of Yacon syrup with 2 tbsp of honey

5) Add the Yacon-Honey mixture to the pot

6) While jelly mixture is boiling, place orange slices and goji berries in the Jelly molds

7) Fill Half the molds with jelly mixture

8) Sprinkle some chia seeds

9) Fill the jelly mold then place in the fridge for at least 15 minutes before you enjoy!!