Maqui Berry, Camu-Camu Berry, Chia Seeds are all high in antioxidants, which one should I take? - Nature's Superfoods Store

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    Maqui Berry, Camu-Camu Berry, Chia Seeds are all high in antioxidants, which one should I take?

    You should consider these superfoods as different nutrient-dense whole foods with different sets of nutrients and antioxidants that will benefit your body in different ways. There are many, many types of antioxidants and no one superfood has them all. Variety, balance and moderation is key toward achieving proper nutrition – there’s no reason to focus on just one high-antioxidant superfood and ignore the rest. Your body needs an array of antioxidants. For example, Maqui Berry has an abundance of purple antioxidants called anthocyanins which are known for its strong anti-inflammatory & anti-cancer benefits; Maqui has more anthocyanins than Camu-Camu Berry. Camu-Camu Berry Powder, on the other hand, is the No. 1 superfood for full spectrum Vitamin C (Camu-Camu has higher Vitamin C content than Maqui Berry) and Vitamin C is another type of antioxidant that is particularly effective in boosting the immune system function.

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